living × food

Here we look more deeply into Japan's traditional 'masu' drinking vessels.
A masu is not only a cup for drinking sake, it also a utensil for measuring volume.
As part of the culture of sake brewing, the masu also connects closely to architecture as an essential ingredient within ceremonials for a groundbreaking event.
At UNION, we have developed a new metal-formed masu with the help of designers Kenji Fukushima and Takahide Hashimoto from AZUCHI.
A sparkling version of Japanese sake has recently become a trending topic not only in Japan but also internationally. However, the traditional wooden masu causes the bubbles of the new sake to disappear. Our new metal type solves this problem.
So, Union held an event where guests could try out a metal masu themselves.

  • Exhibition period

    October 13th (Mon) to 16th (Fri), 2015

  • Talk show
    Reception party

    October 16th (Fri)

  • Sponsored by

    UNION Co., Ltd.

  • Cooperation

    AZUCHI designers Kenji Fukushima and Takahide Hashimoto

  • Venue

    Atelier UNION / Osaka
    (2-13-22 Minamihorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka)